Management Philosophy

By investing in Lifestyle-focused Assets(Note1) through the Asset Manager's capacities as well as with sponsors and support companies, ESCON REIT aims to revitalize local communities and realize people’s affluent lifestyles, thereby achieving steady growth of assets under management and maximizing unitholder value.

  • “Lifestyle-focused assets” refers to commercial facilities, Residence, and assets aimed at creating a sustainable society(Note2) that support people's affluent lifestyles for residents of highly convenient urban areas or areas with easy access to major cities by providing everyday goods and services.
  • “Assets aimed at creating a sustainable society” refers to assets that contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by solving social issues that affect local communities, such as declining birth rates, aging populations, environmental and energy issues, labor and education issues, and problems wrought by natural disasters, to help build people's affluent lifestyles.
  • Chuden Real Estate serves as the entity providing warehousing functions.
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